Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett is a daughter of the American South with a passionate interest in history and distant lands; national and international affairs; politics, people, public service, and the press. Through writing and an abiding quest for knowledge and understanding—she champions matters of substance, clear and clean language, basic morality and common decency and neighborliness, peace and nonviolence; universal human rights, sovereignty and self-determination of each and every nation. To individuals, public officials, leaders, and nations—she urges self-reflection and humility; integrity and multilateralism; open-mindedness and respectfulness; conflict resolution and problem solving with words (conversation, dialogue, diplomacy), and clear-headed consistency (barring none) in the mutual exchange of views, ideas, and concerns.
In Are There No Champions? Bennett marshals current events and underappreciated history to distinguish between America’s false champions, and her true champions.
“Nature and consequences of U.S. international and domestic affairs, geopolitics, occupation, human rights, historical contexts (notes and commentary).”–Title page.
Missing News and Views in Paranoid Times opens minds to new perspectives on current affairs and world events — people, politics, peace and the press. This anthology features coverage of international issues, events, people and politics — against the backdrop of Middle East war, and through a lens censored in mainstream news and current affairs…
A nation dying of self-inflicted mental and moral wounds turns rabid—extremist. Leadership crippled by corruption, moral impairment, physical and mental decay, capable of nothing other than the same old thing, flails and destroys and in cowardice (likened to an infant but powered by lethal partners), ducks responsibility and blames a made-for-the-occasion “enemy.”